29 August 2013

There On The Shore Again

He saw her at the beach -
every summer.
Memory always brings him
to stand  
where they had first made love.

© JPW 2013

dVerse Poets Pub - Meeting the Bar ...One More Time

A reworking of my original poem "Here On The Shore"


  1. well you paired that one back quite a bit. honestly i think i like the longer one better on this one...smiles.

  2. heck yes - that was quite some cutting - i echo bri - maybe it's because i remember the longer one - but this one deserves a bit more flesh..smiles

  3. Brian, Claudia - Sort of proves a point: editing and revision isn't always needed. Sometimes we get darn lucky and write a poem people appreciate on its own merit. Thanks for the nod to the original. I agree, I like that one better too! ...smiles!

  4. I'll find another to do a chop on for this exercise and see if it makes a difference.

  5. They are really so different it's hard to compare.

    1. Thanks Laurie. One is terse, the other sets the stage. I like a little back story myself. Glad you stopped to visit.

  6. I like this one too, but have to agree, the original gives it just that little extra touch...

    1. There's a consensus then. The original remains the poem; revision (in this one) the afterthought! Thanks for the comment and approval, turtlememoir!

  7. I like them both, Joseph, but this one seems so precise and I like the aura of mystery. The unedited one stands out for its form. They are almost two separate poems. I like the second title best.

    1. I appreciate your comments as well, Victoria. The second was an attempt at a bare bones poem that retained the essence of the original. If you've sensed them as separate poems, then I came close to that reality.

  8. I remember and adore the longer one as the description of "her" is so lovely. However, this is almost tongue in cheek and I like how "every summer" becomes something else once you read the whole short verse. So in that regard it is quite witty.

    1. Thank you Margaret! The truncated version does seem a bit "snarky"! There could be many connotations here.


I would appreciate feedback on my work. If we don't learn, we'll never grow.