He said, “Good
Morning! A lovely day isn’t it?”
She said nothing and smiled.
He said, “ I
hope you’re feeling better today!”
She said, “I’d be doing much better if
you’d stop talking to me!”
He said “Fine!”
and walked away
Days passed, sight unseen
and it had been
as long since they “talked”
as long as he’d walked.
The phone rang!
He said, “Hello.”
He knew who it could be when
She said, “I’ve been thinking!”
He said he felt
like he had been drinking
She said, “ I have this sinking feeling I’m
He said he
knew there was a reason she was calling!
He said, “I
noticed your number. You’ve been calling…”
She said to herself, “He’s stalling”
He admitted
saying, “I’m stalling. I’m not sure…”
She said, “I’m sorry I bothered you!’
He said “Fine!”
put the phone away.
Weeks passed, sound unheard
And it had been
So absurd when they “talked”
As long as he’d balked.
The phone rang!
He said, “Hello?”
He wasn’t sure she would call back,
She said, “Look I admitted my feelings…”
her head was reeling,
He said,
stealing her thunder, “Don’t you wonder what I was going to say?”
She said, “When, the other day when I
went away? Yes” she said to her dismay!
He said by
the way, “I’m not sure… but I think I’m falling too!”
Minutes passed, he was gassed
And it had been two miles
He had run to see her smile.
It was the longest while.
The doorbell rang!
She said, “What
do YOU want?
He said “We were falling…”
She said “I
feel sick again. It appears I was calling…”
He said sadly, “…the wrong number?”
She said, “Yes. But I guess since you’re
already here, d’you have time for a beer?”
The bottle was passed, they were gassed
It seems they had a good time
And it cost not a dime.
Now they meet every Tuesday, same time!
Wedding Bells ring?
© JPW – 2013