14 October 2013

I Know It Was You, Fredo!

You broke my heart, as brothers sometimes do,
and look at you, you're pathetic. A simpering,
whimpering Don Juan-a-be. Bimbos and markers,
donkey shows and Johnny Ola have taken their toll.
I had control of the five families and there
our similarities took a decided turn. If you'd only learn,
"Never take sides with anyone against the family again!"
You're nothing to me now. You're not a brother, not a friend.
If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, 
it is that you can kill anyone. Pray for the fishes,
you'll be sleeping with them now!

© JPW - 2013

dVerse Poets Pub - Poetics Italian-Style 

Poets United - Poetry Pantry #171



  1. don jaun-abe....hahaha

  2. Most excellent. Gotta know what side ya bread's buttered on.
    Anna :o]

  3. Ha! Loved this - fun, fun, fun!


I would appreciate feedback on my work. If we don't learn, we'll never grow.