12 September 2013

From God to Godot

Sometime today.
Or tomorrow, I’m not sure.
He said he’d be here by then,
but when? We don’t know.
Philosophy escapes me.
It takes my mind away from
the task at hand. This grand
stand has me annoyed…
beside myself. And I’m a man
who prides himself
on being patient.
Okay, so I’m impatient
but he should be here!
Passers-by and posers,
Lucky asses and hosers …
I can’t remember yesterday.
Spare me your angelic messengers,
my guess is I will die by my own hand
if I stand here much longer.
My resolve is not as strong as
when I started waiting.
Sometime today.
Or yesterday? I’m not sure;
He said he’d be here!
I’ll wait until the end.
These shoes aren’t even mine!

© JPW – 2013


  1. ha. i have learned not to wait,
    or you'll end up in someone elses shoes...

    if they dont have enough respect to show up....

    1. But it is a study in human nature, Brian. Ours AND theirs! Thanks for the insight!

  2. Waiting is hard for me too. You have captured the feeling so well, the frustration of it all. I can almost see you pacing. LOL. I do try to respect the value of other people's time by showing up on time.

    1. Agreed, Mary. There are people out there who feel their time is invaluable, and that of others a waste of theirs. There's a fine line in there somewhere... I think back in the day it was called "common courtesy"!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Audrey! Hey, we have something in common... sort of. I'm a Divan lounger (couch potato, to you and me)! It's a small world! ;)

  4. We're all waiting; life is one long wait. This is a take on "Waiting For Godot" by Samuel Beckett. Thanks all for the comments!

    1. (And my OCD requires me to reply to my reply just to make the comment count even.) ;)

  5. I always worry when someone isnt on time (and I am always at least three times too early) that I somehow got the time wrong. Much angst. Love the internal dialogue in this poem.

    1. If you're early and they're late, doesn't that mess with the tides? Time-Space continuum? Thanks for the visit, Sherry!

  6. I like you sense of humour in the waiting but still its not polite to keep people waiting ~ I always try to make it on time or even earlier ~

    Have a good week ~

    1. Thankks Grace. You as well. So maybe next time I'll invite you and save myself the wait! ;)

  7. I freaked when I read this! I just posted a reference to Godot on my blog not much more than an hour ago.
    Your's is very well written I couldn't tell at first whether it was you writing or a Beckett quote with your verse to follow. Love the last line!

    1. I revert to Godot on occasion, Stormcat. It was to be an "appointment" poem, but apparently Godot missed the meeting! This was fun to piece together! Thanks for visiting!


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