20 September 2013

Summer Set For Slumber

The days are getting shorter still,
the summer fades away,
we say goodbye from on the hill
on this late summer's day.

I hold you near and we can hear
autumn waiting in the wings,
the colors warm will soon appear,
with all that autumn brings.

The moments of loves long embrace
sustain me through the night,
and glowing starlight on your face
makes everything so right.

Prepare to dream of Summer sun,
a restful sleep ensues,
with memories of Summer fun;
the ones we'll never lose.

The kiss we shared upon the shore,
the picnic in the park,
the treasures of this life and more
will greet us after dark.

And there my dear, I'll hold you,
and whisper love's entreaty,
as summer sets when day is through
to rest in autumnal beauty.

Go to sleep and have your rest,
I'll wake you in the Spring,
just lay your head upon my chest
to see what this night brings.

© JPW - 2013

dVerse - Poets Pub - Form For All - Ballad


  1. nice.. the summer's about to slumber away indeed...can feel it in every pore... just yesterday i said i would love to grow a fur, find a cave and wake again when spring kisses the land..smiles

  2. A beautiful love ballad for Summer; she's leaving here too, but she'll be back next year.

    You don't need me to tell you the form is written perfectly; you've made it look easy.

  3. Beautiful words, beautiful sentiments.
    Anna :o]

  4. smiles...i am ready for summer to sleep just a bit....and welcome autumns embrace....we sleep a bit more but she is a nice change from summers oh so hot touch...smiles...nice use of the form...


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