09 September 2013

In The Order of Bailey

Walking along the snow covered avenue,
George had a time remembering things the way they were.
So much had come to change around Bedford Falls!
The whole episode seemed a lifetime ago in another dimension.
The magic of that night had faded since the intrigue
of Old Man Potter’s deception was put to rest.
It was a shame the town folk chose to pummel
the infirm codger,  sending him to his own potter’s field.
Clarence used to answer the bell every time,
but since getting his wings, things were different.
Now Bailey knew he was truly on his own.
No longer the center of attention, George Bailey
had learned the hard way that life was indeed wonderful,
and he was more than OK with it.
We all pay a price for the lives we lead,
and love stains deeply if we only let it!

© JPW 2013


  1. Life is indeed wonderful, despite our deepest longings- sometimes we are just where we are suppose to be. Nice to see George Baily out on the sunny day in September. Thanks for stopping by- Teri

    1. You're welcome, Teri... and thank you as well! The message in IAWL should be remembered all year round. We all touch many lives in many ways. Such as reading their blogs and commenting! Thanks for yours again.

  2. It is a wonderful life. That reminder is necessary for me. Today. Thank you.

    1. I'm a flighty poet who has found a nesting place here. You make this a wonderful place to create. If you need a reminder from time to time, read no further than the talent people with whom you surround yourself! I'm glad you've counted me among them! Thanks for your encouragement, Brenda!

  3. So true that we all pay a price for the lives we lead. I hope your George does feel like he has a wonderful life, but there were some wonderfully disturbing images in your poem which wrestled with that thought in my mind. Nicely done Joseph; I like it when I read something which plays with my sensitivities. :)

    1. I know what disturbs you, Veronica. That "scene" was taken from a skit on Saturday Night Live where they found the lost "alternate ending" of "It's A Wonderful Life!". They go after Mr. Potter with a mob of George's friends. It is a wonderful life in the gift it is. But the seedy side of life is there and we'd be fools to ignore it. All in all, George copes and is better for it. Aren't we all? Thanks for letting my words reach you.

  4. WE all live by choices we made, and our life - price for it. 'Love stains deeply' ~ interesting read

    1. Some stains never come out, and their" legacy" becomes the badge we wear. Love's "stain" is always a welcome splotch on our lives, humbird! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. life as stains... ink blots, art, lipstick from old aunts, or new brides...
    life, ever changing. Accepting is a challenge.
    Well done.
    Thanks for your visit. I'm a tad slow on return visits.
    Jules (the story whirl verses)


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